"mass timber and inter-building in three acts"
mass timber benefits and concepts of hybrid city and inter-building
2025 january video and podcast online
united nations carbon-free cities conference
"carbon-free cities: climate action in the built environment"
presentation of our mass timber projects
2024 october 28th at the united nations headquarters in nyc
AIA NY | center for architecture
"toward the hybrid city... "inter-building" with mass timber"
presentation of our mass timber projects
2024 april 11th at the center for architecture

AIA architecture for education committee
"mass timber schools"
presentation of our mass timber education projects
2023 october 4th at the center for architecture

fibois france
"l'architecture bois dans le tertiaire"
"mass timber architecture in commercial buildings"
2023 may 24th at maison de l'architecture paris

nysafah annual conference
"trending construction techniques"
mass timber architecture and timber resources
2023 may 18th at marriott marquis times square
consortium for sustainable urbanization
"The Growing Twenties"
mass timber architecture advantages and obstacles
2022 december

fibois france
"l'architecture sort du bois"
"architecture gets out of the wood"
2022 september 21st at maison de l'architecture paris

le moniteur
2021 september 28th

international wood construction forum
"l'hybridité comme prose de l'architecture"
"hybridity as prose of architecture"
2021 july 16th in paris

comité national pour le développement du bois - 30 years
"immeuble tertiaire pour le siège de l’urssaf | paris 19e"
"commercial building for the urssaf headquarters | paris 19th"
2019 october 10th at the urssaf headquarters paris
comité national pour le développement du bois
presentation of the nelson mandela high school | nantes, fr
2016 february 16th at halle pajol paris